Rollercoaster of emotion


New Member
The other morning when i was misting the Cham cage i noticed Terence lying up side down with his legs in the air propped against a leaf and the cage side.
I misted his and still there was no movement.She normally goes mental.
I knew from checking them the night before that it wasnt where he was sleeping the night before barring the fact he looked dead as a door nail.
A million and one thought ran through my mind as to why he had died.He seemed ok up til the morning when he was lying on his back hanging in limbo.
I had to go to work so i thought id better get a paper towel as i didnt want to feel her dead cold body on my hands.It must of been a recent death because she was still green.
Off i went to the kitchen and returned to pick her out of the cage full of tears and confusion as to why this had happened.
I reached into the cage to pick her out and moved the leaf accidentally.Cringing,her body hit the cage floor with an awful thud.
I turned away in sheer distress with thought of "why god,why take Terence so suddenly":As i turned back THE BODY WAS GONE AND RUNNING AROUND THE CAGE FLOOR!!!
i knew Chams can play dead but envisaged it completely differently!!
Conclusion: She sleeps so soundly she must of fell off her branch in her sleep.
Shes now taken to sleeping lower down nearer the floor and i hope she was utterly embarassed about what shed done!! lol

Chameleons.......Little packages of evilness!!
Hahahaha, thats a good one! I once caught Clyde asleep in the top of pothos. He had fallen sleep vertically, but he was so out of it, he was only hanging on my one arm and one leg! I gently reached in and pushed his arm back onto the branch and he cracked on eye, grabbed hold of the branch and was immediately unconscious again!

Boy chams sure are characters.
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