Rotten banana in cage for Fruit flies


New Member
I have a 6-7 weeks old baby panther chameleon, hes below:


It's hard to breed fruit flies and I think you need few things, then you have to transport it.

Is it a good idea to put a rotten banana in a cup for few days so my lil guy can enjoy fruit flies as a treat?

I'd get rid of the rotten banana once it's done, I'd day I'd keep it in for a week and throw it out.
I would not put the rotten banana in the cage directly, I would get a plastic cup so there can be fruit flies going around.

Any experience anyone? is it a good idea? will he get pissed off from the smell? is it worth doing it? Please advise.
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The chams will climb directly into the cup looking for flies. My guys hang out on the ledges waiting for flies to hatch from pupae. Yours will most likely inhale rotten banana with flies by mistake.
At 6 weeks he should be out growing fruit flies. Start thinking about buying house flies as either pupae or maggots.

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