Runny urates?


New Member
Can I get some of your ideas on why my 6 month old veiled has runny urates? This has been going on for about a week and a few days. He had been on a hunger strike, or more accurately, a cricket strike. This caused me to swithch his food several times from silkies which he wouldn't eat, to hornwors to fly maggots. Then we went to phoenix worms, grasshoppers, waxworms. He's gone through several different feeders before he started eating crickets again. I attributed his runny urates to this, but he still has them. He seems otherwise healthy, drinking good, skin color is good. I thought the urates would have firmed back up now. Can parasites cause this? It's been about 6 months since his last fecal. The only difference in his surroundings is a new larger cage I built him about the same time he started his cricket strike. His lighting and husbandry are all the same. Any ideas? May be time for a vet visit. Thanks, David
I would think if it was parasites the poop part would be watery and not the urates...but I'm not a vet and that's just my best guess.

Do you have a substrate in the cage?
What is the basking temperature?
What do you use for supplements? How often?
Does he sleep a lot during the day?
Silkies have been known to cause the runny. Do you know if he did eat some or just flat out refused them?
No substrate, basking temp is a little lower than I'd like at 85 and 76 on other side of cage, 71 at bottom of cage. I use reptivite on about half his feeders once a week, Rep cal with d3 on about half his feeders every other day...light dusting. one small drop of vit a every two weeks. I gut load his feeders with dandelion greens, pears, apples and carrots. Use flukers orange cubes for a water source. The feeders main gutload is the dandelion greens though as they are very high in vita and calcium and they seem to go for them first. Not sleeping at all during the day. Goes to sleep within 15 minutes of the sun going down.
refused the silkies, threw 200 in the garbage. He did eat the hornworms though but that was a while back.
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