sad day

If you had posted more photos and explained that your "his eyes were closed for days abs he hadn’t eaten in over 10 days. we got eye drops and liquid diet"...we would have asked for information to help you figure out what was going on and also told you to take it to a good chameleon vet....and it might have saved your chameleon. This won't obviously help your chameleon now...but if you get another one it might.

If you get a healthy chameleon and you get the husbandry set up right chances are your chameleon will do well with you. If it starts to go down hill...doing things like sleeping during the day, not eating, being lethargic, etc and you tell us we can hopefully help. We don't have all the answers. sorry for your loss.

Don't beat yourself up....just read the articles in the post above and prepare yourself for the next one...if you decide to get another one.
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