Safe Plants



This might sound a little strange however I'm genuinely curious as to whether certain carnivorous plants would be safe with a chameleon?

Before you jump to conclusions there is only 1 type of carnivorous plant that I am looking into and it is the Nepenthes or commonly called 'Pitcher Plants / Monkey Cups'.

These are not "trigger trap" carnivorous plants like Venus Fly Traps.

There is a forum member who is also a carnivorous plant keeper. If I remember correctly they do keep them in with their chams. Unfortunately I cannot remember their name. If you do a search for carnivorous plants you may be able to find the thread.
There is a forum member who is also a carnivorous plant keeper. If I remember correctly they do keep them in with their chams. Unfortunately I cannot remember their name. If you do a search for carnivorous plants you may be able to find the thread.

ok kool well its good to just know that someone does keep them with their chameleons, I really like the Pitcher Plants and my plan is to just have 1 large tree/plant within the enclosure but also exoterra vines running through it all for added mobility for the chameleon.

I have kept carnivorous plants since I was 8yrs old and I think that the 2 (Cham & Pitcher) would work marvelously together cause I know the pitchers will really love the MistKings double daily sprayings!

Then yeah any insects that the chameleon misses are likely to curiously wonder down a pitcher :)
I'd think that as long as the cups of the plant don't get to big (i know some species can get big enough to digest small mammals up to giant ones that can digest monkeys), and you keep an eye on chameleon, it shouldn't be a huge issue.
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