Sambava not looking so good


Avid Member this morning as i was offering my Sambava "Shawn" a cricket, he threw up... it's as if he got sick of the smell lol... but the crix aren't even wet.. they really don't smell at all.

And I caught him rubbing his left eye on a vine so I spritzed warm water on that side of his face for a good 3 minutes and he seemed to appreciate it.

He's still not eating and hasn't began shedding... how long could it take for the process of him actually shedding skin? Like what I'm asking is, how many days do they stop eating before it happens??? My other cham didn't stop eating before he began to shed but this cham seems to be different... thanks
Chameleons don't stop eating to shed like snakes do. What's the history of the cham? WC/CB? Age, etc?
Sambava not looking so good...

I just looked at your posting history. Sounds like he has not been eating much for several days. They don't stop eating before sheds. A young and growing chameleon should be pounding down the crickets every single day. They can go downhill quickly too. How long have you had him? What is his cage set up like (heat and light)? Improper temps and/or parasites will cause appetite decline. Both these things can cause vomiting too. Parasites are common in chameleons - even captive bred. Can you post a picture of him? A good one that shows the eyes will really help. The way their eyes look is a good indicator of health or illness. Poop is another good indicator. It sounds gross but I look at all the chameleon poops as I clean them up. Consistency and smell can tell you a lot. What goes in comes out. Young growing chameleons should be pooping out a lot because they should be eating a lot.

Do you have a vet? I would highly suggest that you take him to one. Panthers are not like cats or dogs. They can not go without eating for a week and still have an excellent chance for survival. Try to keep him hydrated until you can get him to a vet. It's a good idea to have a vet picked out before you actually need one. Good reptile vets are not found in every community.

Hope this helps. Get some more info posted and consider getting him to a vet.
thanks, yeah that's what i've decided to do with the little guy. BTW his eyes look perrrrfect, his grip is good. Only thing is he's not eating crix. My breeder thinks I spoiled him with hornworms and silkworms so he doesn't want to eat crix right now. Also, their room temps went high! So recently I've been leaving their door open. Now their room temp is between 72-76.

Thanks, Brian
so is he eating silkworms? if so then thats a plus. Silks can be a a solid food for him. You do need to tell more about your set up. Oliver sheds sometimes as quick as hours. during his shed he eats like he hasnt eaten in weeks. how old is he? how long have you owned him? keep this in mind..eye infections are common and can get bad. r u dusting the crickets? oliver has always refused when I dust with multivitmens. Panthers like there humidity also. hope it all works out for you:)
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