Screen cage?


New Member
I currently have my jackson chameleon in an 18x18x24 glass enclosure with a screen top. Temps are a little high, but my humidity stays good. I can get an 18x18x36 screen cage, that is all I can afford. I do not have a humidifier. So should I keep my own tank, or get the new screen one? If i get the screen one, will a dripper and misting the cage create enough humidity? I just want my cham to be happy and not stressed.
If you get the screen cage you start by putting a real plant and mist that regularly. But wait till it drys to mist again, or bacteria will grow. Another way to keep humidity up is use shower curtains attach them to one are two sides that will work, you can use plastic bags are anything that can get wet by water. you can put wet towels in your cage to. Make sure to use a dripper. You can simply make one out of a plastic cup by poking a tiny hole at the bottom and place it on top of your cage. Good air flow and ventilation is healthy for your chameleon.
Good luck, hope this helped. Its your choice though.:D
Screen cage is always the way to go. Chameleons need good air flow. With the right substrate that should be enough. Invest in a thermometer and hygrometer to measure the humidity. Then check to see what the correct humidity and temperature levels should be and keep it there.
Andrew, might I suggest you limit your questions to one thread per question? You've got 2 going on this question and that can lead to confusion.

Screens are probably the easiest way to go. Particularly if you're in Baton Rouge or Houston....

But, if you're in an area where it gets really cold, you might find that glass has the advantage.

The best glass enclosures have screen tops and ventilation holes near the bottom to allow for airflow. Lacking that, as I think you know, you should put the heat lamp as far to one side as possible which will also create airflow.
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