Screened aquarium vertical extenders


New Member
I have a 30 gallon long aquarium that is just sitting here. I want to put a veiled chameleon in it. It will be my first one. I was looking into the vertical screened extenders that double the size of any cage or aquarium. All I can find are ones that fit 10 and 29 gallon ones. My measurments on the tank are 36" long 12" 16" high. Do they sell ones that will fit this size. If not, is there a link to a simple cage design or extender design. Nothing outrageously huge (ones that are like 4 feet high and huge are all I can find online). Thanks, T
for a baby you wont need a big cage but for a full size chameleon i would say 3-4 feet at least. these animals need lots of vertical room. check they sell some cheap/small cages.
I bought the 29 gallon one you are talking about. What I did was get a piece of wood cut to fit the 5 3/4 inches gap. I also had to bend the pins around.

I have a 4 month old ambilobe and he loves it. I will only keep him in it (b/c it is half glass until he is almost a yr. old.

Here's the kicker, it is a pain to dry out every day. I put paper towels on the bottom and mist twice a day and have a dripper. The gap in size works great b/c I can take the wood off and reach in to pull out the old paper towels.

It isn't perfect but it will work as a juvenile enclosure. Good luck!
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