Established Member
As I was removing Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus sp.) from my lilac tree in my backyard, I ended up with some long woody vines that I thought would be a nice addition to my enclosures.
I left it to dry for couple of days, then I cut it to fit in the tub. I soaked them in a mix of hot water and iodine solution. It sat for 30 mins, then I scrubbed each pieces with a brush, then rinced it. Now, my question is, do you think it’s safe to put some in the enclosure? I know for sure it is Parthenocissus quinquefolia, but I read that for some people, it could cause a small rash or something... nothing serious, but I wanted to have some cham keepers opinions and advises. Heres some pictures. Thanks
As I was removing Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus sp.) from my lilac tree in my backyard, I ended up with some long woody vines that I thought would be a nice addition to my enclosures.
I left it to dry for couple of days, then I cut it to fit in the tub. I soaked them in a mix of hot water and iodine solution. It sat for 30 mins, then I scrubbed each pieces with a brush, then rinced it. Now, my question is, do you think it’s safe to put some in the enclosure? I know for sure it is Parthenocissus quinquefolia, but I read that for some people, it could cause a small rash or something... nothing serious, but I wanted to have some cham keepers opinions and advises. Heres some pictures. Thanks