seriously want a cape dwarf chameleon!


New Member
Got a great book of spiecies and subs of chameleons and found the cape dwarf chameleon! super cute communal cham, but have not found anyone that has them, let alone has tham for sale. any leads?
Theres not a sausage you'll find one. Its illegal to keep them in S.A so they cannot be exported. Though there have been some smuggled into Germany/Europe, you could probably import from them. I think I also heard a story that some chameleon keepers in Malasia had cape dwarfs. All originally smuggled though.
oh really? so is there a legal way to import them to the US? if nnot i guess I wont have them we could not be good smugglers lol....
Lol yeah I dont think Ive heard of any cape dwarfs going around in the U.S, they can be legally imported from another source such as Europe but I doubt they will want to export them. there are some other bradypodion (dwarf species) available in the U.S such as transvaalense and thamnobates. If you are very serious about dwarf chameleons Cainschams (member of this forum) would probably be the best person to talk to as he was the one to initially import the chameleons from Germany into the U.S.
They ARE possible to get some in the states and with cites papers. We can bring in setaroi, thamnobates, transvaalense, pumilum and damaranum, all are captive bred as well. Pumilum will cost $1500/pr, thamno $800-100/pr, etc. We just have to have enough people that are 110% in on getting them over and actually having the money for them. Jared (cainschams) would be the one actually bringing them over through his connection in Germany. I know I am in.
Yeah, I can get those species at the moment but they are expensive and I dont have the funds to import a bunch for them not to sell. Hell, the transvaalense thats advertised on KS has been there forever. Im hoping to bring some stuff in around fall time after I get back to work though. All animals I am offered come with legal paperwork.

Male pumilum breeder from my friend in Germany.

Some offspring I was offered.
Around $1500 a pair. Could be more could be less. Transvaalense, setaroi and thamnobates are around $800 a pair. Just depends on how many people want. If someone wants animals they have to give me 1/3 deposit that is non refundable if they back out. Of course I will refund if animals dont come in and all other obvious reasons one would need a refund. I dont bring in many extras if any. These species are not top sellers and I dont want stuck with a bunch of expensive animals I cant sell. Thats just how I do my imports. Its expensive but honestly I dont make much off of the import. I make enough to pay for paperwork, inspections etc and maybe a pair or two for free for me. More or less I am bringing them in to get populations started in the US not to resell and make a bunch of money.
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