Hi all I am new to the forum. I have owned a Female Jackson Chameleon for a few months and things have been going well. So well that I just bought a Male Jackson Chameleon. Both are just under a year old and at this point I do not have any intention of breeding them. They both have separate medium ReptiBreeze cages. Now they are set up on separate tables across the room from each other far enough away they are not aware of one another. My intention is to eventually put them on the same stand so I can better automate the spraying. I was thinking of putting up a visual screen between them when I move them to the same stand. Maybe Black Plexiglas? Also when I just had one I had purchased some Zoomed bark/cork tiles to put on the back to control over spray and keep it off my walls. I live in southern California so temperature control is not a problem but keeping humidity up is. I thought the back bark cork wall may help. So A) What are good options for a visual screen? and B) Is my bark/cork tile a good idea? Would just continuing the tile around between them be the better idea? That would leave the top front and one side still open. Any ideas or options are greatly appreciated.