sexing furcifer pardalis


New Member
Hi all, i have two young panthers at the moment and was wondering if any one could help sex them, they were both sold as males. The first picture is of my picasso, i suspected this one was a female but it has started to colour up recently, still no signs of a hemiphenal bulge, atleast not to me anyway. The next picture is of what i believed to be a male sambava, he is not the most colourful of my chams to say the least:) but i still think he is a male, would you all agree? many thanks



  • panther pictures 007.jpg
    panther pictures 007.jpg
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  • panther pictures 009.jpg
    panther pictures 009.jpg
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First pic definitely a male I can see the bulge and the color is a good indication. Second pic I would say is a male also although at the angle a little harder to tell. The term bulge makes it sounds like it would jump out at you. It is subtle but you can see it. I circled it for you.


EDIT : Oh BTW , Very good looking Panthers
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Both look male to me. Sambavas have always seemed to take the longest to show full least with me this has been the case.
I LOVE my sambava's
Although all the other species are great and fun earlier
the dramatic color change that I get from my guys (logan) in 30 seconds
stops people jaw dropping in public... he's a chick magnet fer sure.

yes they take longer to color up when they're young
yes they're sometimes duller looking in their cage when resting
but when they're happy... they certainly let you know about it that minute.
little orange and yellow clown feet/tail and emerald green backs
how can you not love them? :)
i have the chance to swap the sambava for a mitsio from a local breeder, think i would be silly to pass on that, so in a few weeks he will be packing his little chameleon bag and going to get some loving from the girls, when he is old enough any way! the sire of the first chameleon is bright orange, cant wait to see what he turns out like! dont know where he is getting the blue from though:confused:
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