She hasn't eaten since she's layed...


New Member
My female veiled layed her first clutch last weekend. Everything seemed okay.

Since then, I have provided her with lots of water, which she has been drinking. She ate one silkworm a few days ago. I have been giving her about a dozen heavily dusted crickets daily - none of which she has eaten. So not only has she not really eaten since she has layed, but she has not gotten any calcium. I have seen a couple urates, but no poopies.

What am I to do???
Is she acting normally...moving around, sitting up high in the cage, eyes open all day? Or is she sitting low in the cage, eyes closed part of the time, not moving?

She should have been back to eating very soon after returning to the branches after laying the eggs.

Did she fill the hole in?
Yeah, she filled the hole... her first lay went well. She has been acting normal, and has not been lethargic at all.

I came home today to find her digging again. She must not have had much energy, so I dug most of the hole for her while she was taking a break in her branches. I just checked on her to find that she has dug a tunnel but is in the branches again. I'm hoping she returns to her hole soon again to lay. We'll see how things go...
No, she wasn't mated, not ever. Her clutch was infertile.

She's been diggin for three days now. She has dug quite a tunnel. She is completely under the sand and you can't see her at all. When will all this be over? I can't take the stress of worrying about her! She hasn't eaten for over a week, since her first lay... now she's been diggin for three days straight! She must be exhausted!
You said that she filled the last hole in...did you disturb her/move her at any time during the egglaying process?

Don't let her see you watching her when she's digging.

She should have laid all the eggs at once...but let's hope she gets the job done this time and survives.
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