

New Member
SnakeFist AwesomeSlice is going through a shed.... it's really the first shed since I have had him... yesterday I thought he managed to get burned but today it is looking a lot like a shed, it started on his back spikes in just a little spot but now it is all of his back spikes and it's also on some of his head. He seems extra grumpy and he is not showing any colors today..... he's just moping around all dark colored, I guess this is normal???
they are uncomfortable when they shed.

you may notice a decrease in appetite, and him rubbing himself on branches and things to remove the skin.

hes just unhappy right now.

up his misting for a few days, and he should be fine.

Well said, just keep a eye on him. Everything just stated is perfect. My guy just shed and had a piece above his eye annoying him and he started to rub hs eye on a branch.

Just a reminder to keep a eye on em, you may need to help. Not always

Like stated, increase misting :D
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