Hi guys.. this is reKS,, so it was 1 week ago when he started acting strange..not the usual active type..one day he started to look sick, pale and non-energetic.. he changed routine from stayin on top of the cage and decided to stay at the bottom, and he stayed basically for 10 days or so...usually just sitting there and DGAF to anything..unless its feeding time..i thought he was sick & will die soon...then we notice few skin crackin up upon closer scrutiny using a magnifying lens we saw he was about to shed.. this behaviour continued on untill he started showing the first parts that was obviously shedding is his tail section..after few days the head section & just today was his body.. i guess it this will soon be over...
Anyways this is just my personal observation with ReKs...not sure if it goes same way with other cham species....
Please do share some tips if you have any...with regards to shedding...