Shedding Problem


New Member
So I purchased my Jacksons chameleon about two weeks ago, and when I bought him he looked like he was in the middle of shedding.

Well now its two weeks later and he still has small patches of skin on his body all the way to his tail, and his head is still covered with dead skin except for one spot where it lifted off.

Any ideas? Is this dangerous?


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Jackson's are notorious for having long shed times. Misting regularly with warm water helps. If you are really concerned with a particular area you can run a qtip under warm water and GENTLY rub the shed to help it along. It's not particularly dangerous unless it is covering his eye. Someone with more experience with Jackson's may be able to help you a little more
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 6 months. In my care two weeks.
Handling - Practically never.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Four Crickets, 2-3 Mealworms @8-11am. Gutloaded crickets with flukers calcium diet and lettuce.
Supplements - Zoo med Calcium Everday on one cricket, Zoo med Multivitamin twice a month on one cricket, Flukers Calcium d3 twice a month.
Watering - Spray bottle and drip system, Three or four times a day, 20 seconds. I see him drinking.
Fecal Description - White urates, normal balls of poop.
History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 1/2 Inch PVC coated wire cage, 30x18x24 (I am going to make it taller)
Lighting - Reptile Vision UV light 13w, Zoo med Infrared 100w Basking Bulb, Zoo med 100w Intense Basking bulb (when needed),Zoo med double light fixture, generic lamp for uv bulb.
Temperature - Basking Spot 80-87 Floor 70-75 Daytime, 60-65 Nightime. Two seperate thermometers.
Humidity - 50%-80%, Depends on when I mist. Between mists 50%-60%. Drip system and misting.
Plants - All fake.
Placement - My room, the top of the cage is 46 inches above the ground.
Location - Washington, USA.

Current Problem - Not shedding all the way.
Jackson's are notorious for having long shed times. Misting regularly with warm water helps. If you are really concerned with a particular area you can run a qtip under warm water and GENTLY rub the shed to help it along. It's not particularly dangerous unless it is covering his eye. Someone with more experience with Jackson's may be able to help you a little more

Ooooh. I didn't know that about them! I have thought about doing the qtip thing, but he doesn't like being interacted with too much. But I might as well give it a try. Thank you!
Can you elaborate a bit more? I read it and I seem to be right on the money, except for the feeding.

First off, you have too much light.

I saw a red bulb in your pictures, so thats not needed.

You need two bulbs- one UVB (not UV, not UVA) and one basking bulb.

Your temps are a bit too high if you are hitting 87 deg.

Your gutload is wrong, so you need to reag blogs by sandrachameleon on what to feed the bugs.

Your supplementing schedule is off.

I would mist more often and for a lot longer, jacksons love water, and can also be finickywith drinking it.
I think you're humidity is too low. If he's retaining shed for that long, I don't think your hygrometer is giving you an accurate reading. Are you using one of the analog, dial type hygrometers? Sometimes the needle will get stuck, or sometimes they're just not accurate. I would try misting him for longer, and maybe put a live plant in the cage to help keep the humidity up. Pothos is a good one, hard to kill, the leaves hold water droplets for a long time, and it grows nice vines.
First off, you have too much light.

I saw a red bulb in your pictures, so thats not needed.

You need two bulbs- one UVB (not UV, not UVA) and one basking bulb.

Your temps are a bit too high if you are hitting 87 deg.

Your gutload is wrong, so you need to reag blogs by sandrachameleon on what to feed the bugs.

Your supplementing schedule is off.

I would mist more often and for a lot longer, jacksons love water, and can also be finickywith drinking it.

Okay, I will switch up the gut loading. And I dont use both of the heat lights, and it is a UVB light, sorry. And what is a better schedule for supplementing do you think?
Okay, I will switch up the gut loading. And I dont use both of the heat lights, and it is a UVB light, sorry. And what is a better schedule for supplementing do you think?

The schedule described in the care sheet i posted.
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