shedding problem?


New Member
so my 4 month old veiled chameleon started to shed on his back legs but once he finished shedding there he stopped. He eats 8-10 crickets a day and is hydrated, basking spot is 75-80 farenheit. nothing seems wrong with him he's just a little defensive. Is this normal?
so my 4 month old veiled chameleon started to shed on his back legs but once he finished shedding there he stopped. He eats 8-10 crickets a day and is hydrated, basking spot is 75-80 farenheit. nothing seems wrong with him he's just a little defensive. Is this normal?
Basking should be 85 to 90. Do you mist him often? That helps with shedding.
If you aren't already, if you add in a few shower sessions a week for him, he will grow to love them (or I'm just very lucky lol) and they can't really help him with successful sheds, eye washing, etc....
Did he get mad when you put him in the shower the first time? I want to try this for my chameleon.
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