

New Member
While young veileds are shedding, do they have a decrease in appetite? Malachi would only eat about 5-6 crix a day for like 3 days, then he shed yesterday, ate about 15 crix today..... he didnt seem to slow his food intake down very much his first shed, so i was a bit worried.
i'm sure it was more that his focus was on shedding, it can be very dehabilitating as chameleons are an animal of cover and they can't blend in very well with skin flaking everywhere, it probably makes them feel like they are in school naked
Sorry to post in here Zilla, but I didn't want to make another thread. When do chameleons start shedding? When is there first shed after they are born?
im not sure about their very first shed, but mine is about 3 months old.... he's shed twice already. I got him when he was two months, so im sure he's shed before that. How old is your cham? and no worries, its probably best the forrums arent cluttered with related topics. :)

you probably know a bit more baout them than i do though, seeing as your a senior member here. LOL
Well, my 40 guys just started hatching out last thursday (the last one came out on Saturday). So they are 1 week olds.
Thank you. Yeah they are all still healthy and eating like crazy. All 40 still living. I hope it stays that way. After reading your post I started thinking about when they would start shedding.
ive been looking on the net, but cant seem to find anything on their first shed, perhaps someone more experianced can help out.
sorry to steal thread but west0209a how have you housed 40 cham babies and what is a good 2 month survival rate? i was just thinking about it and saw this thread
Each Chameleon will grow at a different rate I assume from what I've read. Certain Chameleon's will just be more enticed to eat more, or if you have more than 1 Cham housed together, beat out other chameleons for food. Simple enough, when the Chameleon has kind of out-grown his jacket, so-to-speak, he/she will shed to make room for a new bigger coat. I can guarantee not all 40 of the Cham's will grow at exactly the same rate and they will probably shed at different times, not by much though, hopefully within at least a week or two of each other. I'm sure you'll see some shed together on the same day, maybe even at the same time or at different times during that day but it's safe to say the fattest one first will prevail. hehe.
Sorry zilla for stealing your thread.

I know they all grow at different rates, i need to drill this into my head because I never seem to think about that, I just want them all to grow up and do the same things at once, lol. Do you know approximately when a cham will go through its first shed though? Just curious, I like to read about other experiences to compare them to mine.
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