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My chameleon who is about 8 months old just started shedding recently. I've had him for about 2 weeks, and this is the first time I've seen him do this. Is shedding particularly uncomfortable for a chameleon? Is there anything I can do to help with his shedding?
You can mist the cage a few extra times a day (just breifly) to increase ambient humidity a little during the slough. :)
p.s. I imagine they get pretty itchy during shedding, just like when you peel during summer/after sunburn.
You will see him do alot of eye rubbing/bulging stuff like that, to loosen dead skin etc, it might even use a hind foot to 'comb' its heads/casque. Ive seen Homer do it. :)
they get really itchy when they shed, they'll stretch out and use their feet to try and get the skin off. I would say the best thing to do is to leave them alone... For my veiled I try to keep the humitity in the encloser low, I've made the mistake of misting him and high humitity for 2 of his sheds and a lot of the skin was still stuck on his body. There is a point druing the shed when you mist them the skin will end up sticking to their body and wont come off. So for my veiled's last shed which was last saturday I kept the humitity low and I avoided misting him and only around him and used a dripper to provide water and all of his skin came off that day which I'm really happy about, because he had skin stuck on him for the past month.... Anyways that method worked for me maybe its different for other chameleons. Hope it works out!
y viled started shedding today! when i got home form work his dead skin from his feet was hanging and peeling looked painful, what i did was spray warm water and he loved it because he ran towards it! he never done that before he always runs AWAY! anyhow i saw him walking on a bark and rubing himself and his eyes etc. now it has been about 4 hours since i last saw him and now i do not see any of that dead skin! it probably fell somewhere! what ever you do DO NOT PEEL It OFF YOURSELF!!!! let him/her do it all on its own the best thing to do is leave them alone, sometimes in some occasions misting is good (not all since graham_cracker said her cham did not do well with misting) remeber in the wild these guys do not get any help from us humans so they CAN manage!

thanks! and good luck!
For my veiled I try to keep the humitity in the encloser low, I've made the mistake of misting him and high humitity for 2 of his sheds and a lot of the skin was still stuck on his body. There is a point druing the shed when you mist them the skin will end up sticking to their body and wont come off.
i must admit this is the first time ive heard of keeping the humidity low when they are shedding.
Personally i wouldn't try this. the water helps lift the may initially look like it is sticking but as it dries off it helps it lift.(not saying you are wrong,just something i personally wouldn't try)
i must admit this is the first time ive heard of keeping the humidity low when they are shedding.
Personally i wouldn't try this. the water helps lift the may initially look like it is sticking but as it dries off it helps it lift.(not saying you are wrong,just something i personally wouldn't try)
Chameleons are dry shredders raising humidity is the opposite of what you want to do
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