

New Member

I have a chameleon who never seems to shed completely. There are always areas of skin that are going through a different cycle of shed. Has anyone else seem to have a similar situation?

If so what things have you done to remedy it?

Things I do have, I water him everyday with a watering system that goes off every 45min for 15 seconds. I have a cool mist humidifier that is always on 24 hours a day.

I give him a weekly soak in slightly warm water, but still he has retained skin and can look dull.

Any advice :)


I have a chameleon who never seems to shed completely. There are always areas of skin that are going through a different cycle of shed. Has anyone else seem to have a similar situation?

If so what things have you done to remedy it?

Things I do have, I water him everyday with a watering system that goes off every 45min for 15 seconds. I have a cool mist humidifier that is always on 24 hours a day.

I give him a weekly soak in slightly warm water, but still he has retained skin and can look dull.

Any advice :)


What species?
how old? how humid is the cage?
you use real plants?

It would benefit this thread, if you can post the picture of your enclosure and your chameleon.
Shedding problem can usually be solved by maintaining humidity.
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