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My carpet cham is shedding for the first time since I got her... I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice, as far as what I should do/shouldn't do, while she is shedding. Should I still mist her? Should I bother putting more crickets in with her? (she has a few left from yesterday) Thanks!

My carpet cham is shedding for the first time since I got her... I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice, as far as what I should do/shouldn't do, while she is shedding. Should I still mist her? Should I bother putting more crickets in with her? (she has a few left from yesterday) Thanks!

I don't keep carpets but you need to keep spraying as it should aid shedding. Also she needs to keep drinking. I would remove all yesterday's crickets as they won't have much goodness left in them and give her more fresh ones. Hope that helps.:)
I wouldnt put crickets in,,and dont help her by pulling any pieces that look stuck!!!!
I leave my guy alone during his sheds,,,,,he`s only 8 weeks old today and in the 4 weeks ive had him hes had 2 sheds!!!
Good Luck!!!
Ciao For Now!!!!
I always mist a little extra when my Chams are shedding. I feel like a little extra humidity/moisture in the air eases the shedding process for the chameleon.
You can feed the cham when they are shedding. some chams may not eat as much or at all while shedding, just because they are uncomfortable but that doesnt mean you shouldnt feed them.

up mistings, and warm water tends to help to, otherwise, leave them be.
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