Shelf Life of Supplements

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
I am a bit confused with the lifespan of the various supplements! I am in the UK, and use Calypso (plain calcium) and Nutrabol (vits with D3). Currently I am using Calypso 6 days a week and Nutrabol on Sundays. Both are used on the morning feed only (when Amy eats the most), and just a light dusting which is barely visible.

However, I read on here that once opened the tub of Nutrabol doesn't retain it's full potency right up to the use by date. How often do you replace the tubs? The Calypso doesn't have a use by date and since it is just pure calcium I presume that it can be used indefinitely. The Nutrabol, however, has a use by date of 10/2011. Is it safe to use it up until this date or do I need to buy a new tub before then? This current tub has been opened for about 3 months. I do reseal the inner bag after each use.

Many thanks! The tubs are quite large and where only a tiny amount is ever used it seems so wasteful to keep throwing away nearly full tubs!
I use my supplements up to the "best before date" or up to one year after the container is opened - whichever comes first. I've been told by reputable people that the calcium has an indefinate life span and I could use it well beyond one year. Never the less, I play it safe (its cheap, and extra the calicum doesnt hurt my compost pile). I take the vitamins to the pharmacy for proper disposal (rather than just trashing). A fellow at the pet shop told me the vitamin supplement we use for our lizards is usually just ground up expired left-overs from human vitamin supplements, and that the new expiry date is just there to encourage you to keep replacing and buying more. I dunno about that.

If there is someone else keeping lizards and using the same product in your area, perhaps you could go splits on a container of Nutrabol.
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