Avid Member
Hiyas all i wanted get some imput from some others on shipping temps..
Ive been shipping chams for awhile now an always follow guidelines set by shippers an friends who have told me how to doit..
so i sold this female cham an the buyer wants me to ship her out on mon, the temps here in so cali look fine but the hub an its final destination its goin to be 30-34degrees an i told this buyer thats to cold to ship, an they buyer tells me oh i just bought my male an had it shipped in freezing weather so it should be ok.. ive tried to tell this person that in the 30's is to cold an it would void any warranty from either me or the shipper an that its just not a good idea an this is the reply i got bk from the buyer
"I think its good. Just have extra heat packs maybe and possibly paper towels or towels around it to prevent cold air from getting in and take around corners. "
extra heat packs? it isnt goin to be freezing during the day an i feel extra heat packs an papertowels arnt goin make it safe to ship this cham when overnite temps are in the low 30's.. will yall give your opinions please
would you send a cham that you hatched out an raised bout to adulthood just to ship her out in freezin temps cause the new cham owner thinks itll be ok?
Ive been shipping chams for awhile now an always follow guidelines set by shippers an friends who have told me how to doit..
so i sold this female cham an the buyer wants me to ship her out on mon, the temps here in so cali look fine but the hub an its final destination its goin to be 30-34degrees an i told this buyer thats to cold to ship, an they buyer tells me oh i just bought my male an had it shipped in freezing weather so it should be ok.. ive tried to tell this person that in the 30's is to cold an it would void any warranty from either me or the shipper an that its just not a good idea an this is the reply i got bk from the buyer
"I think its good. Just have extra heat packs maybe and possibly paper towels or towels around it to prevent cold air from getting in and take around corners. "
extra heat packs? it isnt goin to be freezing during the day an i feel extra heat packs an papertowels arnt goin make it safe to ship this cham when overnite temps are in the low 30's.. will yall give your opinions please
would you send a cham that you hatched out an raised bout to adulthood just to ship her out in freezin temps cause the new cham owner thinks itll be ok?