Should I be concerned?


New Member
We just adopted this female veiled chameleon four days ago. This morning her heat lamp fell from its normal position 6 inches above the screen top of her enclosure and was resting on the screen for an estimated 30 minutes before we found it. It's a 50 watt bulb, but it partially melted the screen where it was resting, and when we removed it, we noticed our girl had some black marks on her. It has been a few hours and they haven't gone away. She is acting otherwise normal, eating and drinking and moving around, but when she changes colour, the black marks don't change. We're rural and the closest herp vet is 300km away, but obviously I'll take her if she's in trouble. We sprayed her enclosure and plants with Zilla tropical mist humidifying spray, which contains aloe, vitamin B1, and vitamin B3.
I agree with Darth, those are some pretty extensive burns. Definitely going to need treatment and the safest option is without a doubt a vet trip. Chameleons don't have the same ability as humans to sense when things are too hot and that they are getting burned. They are also notorious for acting normally despite being injured (this is because they are a prey animal and showing weakness makes them look like an easy target) - so don't be fooled by her acting otherwise normally. She definitely needs help and it's good that you posted here for advice!
The vet gave us burn cream and said she may have issues with shedding due to scarring for the next few sheds. She should eventually heal though.
She looks about 4 months to me...I would start getting a laying bin ready because they sometimes lay eggs at a young age.
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