should i be worried?


New Member
my panther cham is now 16 weeks(he just got here this morning). his enclosure has been set up for about a week. i have a 10. light and plenty of vines/live trees. i got crickets on sunday and have been gut loading them with endive,collard greens,and dandelions.
when he arrived this morning i opened the mailing container he was a lighter green with the red stripe in his eye. i put him in his basking spot right away,and misted him with hot water. he immediately started drinking,obviously very thirsty. so off and on i have went in and checked on him quietly. and he had moved around a bit. but his coloring is now pretty much very dark. should this be excpeted?
i have only had him for roughly 6 hours,and he has been on quite a long joruney. at what point should i worry? all temps and humdidty are right on target. so i was thinking it was just stress and getting to know his new home. but wanted to make sure.
ok great thanks,i thought i was over reacting but just wanted someone to second what i thought was goign on.
thanks again for a quick reply.:)
If what you've described about his setup being perfect is true, then no need to worry. The best thing you can do is just leave him alone and let him settle in. Your presence will add to his stress a bit... I'm sure he's fine. Some panthers are just kinda dark as juvies.

Also, just curious, does your signature imply that your panther chameleon has some kind of profound wisdom that he can impart on you? Or are you joking?
Did you keep the Reptarium and the 10.0 bulb? If so, if you notice at all that he starts hanginf from the top of the cage, raise the UVB fixture off of the cage with wood blocks or something. It is dangerous for them to get too close to the bulb. I have always used 10.0's on the Reptariums, so no worries, esp since he is as old as he is-he shouldn't really be hanging off of the top I wouldn't think. Post some pics when you get a chance! Congrats on your new one!
thanks guys...
i tend to think the set up is pretty good. i did keep the reptarium,with the 10 reptic bulb. i did switch back down on the reg house bulb after someone said he only needed it to be 85 ish. i have misted him twice,and he has drank. i also have the little dripper hanging on top into one of the plants. i have him a few crickets running free,and a few in a cup in hopes that he will cup feed eventually.
he has acutally gotten onto some of the vines that i have on the top of the cage,he didn't stay long but was there. it sounds as if i should move it off or there?
the humidity is about 75 to 80 in there. and the rest of the cage(not under basking or at the very bottom) seem to be about 75 and then it went up to about 79.
how do i post pics? i would love to show him off. he has from what i can see(i have been trying not to really go and look at him) lightened up some and then darkend back up. so i guess he is still settling in. i know it would take me more than a few hours to get use to a completely new enviroment and air type(he came from flordia,and is now in ok).
thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions.

let me knwo if i should take the vines off the top(i will raise the light up) and how to post pics.
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