New Member
Hey guys! I've been having a really hard time trying to keep Ankle's humidity at a steady 80% in the night time. I live in Florida, and researched endlessly that, as a Floridian, a fogger is most definitely not necessary because of our high humidity. I will say, however, that my house is definitely not humid inside. In the daytime, ankle will get a consistent 48-55% humidity rate with roughly 3 2-minute manual misting sessions. In the night time, the humidity will not spike at all. In fact, it tends to go down. I know that this is alarming and I've been trying everything to see if I can manage the humidity better. I am going to set up a mistking system very soon and I hope that will help for whenever I am not home and he needs his humidity to go up. However, my question still stands: would investing in a fogger be a good idea? My plan is simply to use it in the night time, but I am not sure how long I should be using it in the night time, which fogger to buy, if any at all. He has a 24x24x48 mesh enclosure and it is cluttered with plant foliage. I may even just have the hygrometer at an improper spot that wont give me an accurate depiction of what it is like inside the enclosure, but going based off of what it is showing me now, I would really appreciate some tips, advice, constructive criticism. Anything at all. Thank you