Should you handle your chameleon?


New Member
i handled my chameleon all of his life and he loves it because i started handling him early
Well-I don't think I will ever be convinced that any cham will "love" it, some really tolerate is better than others. I have one male Veiled that will come out and climb up our arms to take him wherever-like his outside tree or his shower, and he seems to like to explore, while most of my others tolerate handling for cleanings. I have one female Velied that requires thick gloves to handle.
Anyone who has been around for awhile knows how I feel about this.
Proper, occasional handling is necessary (trip outside in summer for sun exposure in outside enclosure, trip to the vet, re-location for breeding, new enclosure, major cage cleaning, etc.)
Other than that....No. It is my strong opinion that these animals prefer to be left alone and should be allowed this comfort and security.
My veiled has been handled once in the last 3 months....and I think that's about right.
Incidentally, I don't handle my fish much either:).....the dog, however, gets smothered with love!

Im not sure if he loves it but he enjoys it because he likes sitting on my shoulder
I guess my question would be "How do you know he likes it?" But my male seems to be perfectly happy to climb out on us too. Non-stressed colors, knows he is going to his tree or is geting a treat. They have "conditionable" little lizard brains. But we never hold him for longer than a few minutes.
He doesnt turn dark colors or run away or thankfuly doesnt jump.
He does think we are a mobile tree
our charlie begs to come out ,he runs up my arm and sits on my head for about an hour then decides he wants to go in his ficcus bush we have in the room , he then falls asleep there and hisses at me when i try to put him back in lol

our charlie begs to come out ,he runs up my arm and sits on my head for about an hour then decides he wants to go in his ficcus bush we have in the room , he then falls asleep there and hisses at me when i try to put him back in lol


I would be worry if your charlie fall asleep..
Aren't chameleon a diurnal animal?
As long as the light is on, they should not sleep unless something is wrong.
I agree with need to handle them appropirately... or else they will turn into a mean biting beast!!!!!:D. I handle my chameleon few times a week.....they are tame as a puppy!
Same with me Pohchunyee, my veiled chameleon is VERY tame :D and nice but if not started early,the chameleon will become aggresive:mad:
Did you see the bigger picture of my chameleon on the contest thing?
my veiled doesn't like being handled either, he does his best to stay as far away from me as possible, then when i do get him out it takes him a while to calm down
going thru your other threads.

your cham does not "love" being handled, but he does love the chance to get out of the aquarium you're keeping him in. IMO you need to switch to reptarium or build him something better.

the first thing you will learn is to never trust anything the pet store tells you about husbandry. ever.
i tend to agree with a lot of people as far as handling.
keep it minimal and the reason I handle a veiled chameleon is to get him used to me and make them realize that i am not their predator.

I don't want to have a chameleon that can't wait to bite me every time he got a chance.
I usually handle him once every 3 to 4 days.
Even so, I only handle him no more than 5 minutes.
I don't stroke his chin or do whatever.
I just sit still and let him crawl to my shoulder..
Although he prefer to perch on my head (off course... the higher the better for chameleon).
My senegal

My senegal climbs on to my hand every time i do some thing on his cage and i dont now why he also dosent want to go in when i do handle him.
My female jackson's runs for cover whenever I reach in her cage. My male (who I've had since he was a baby) doesn't mind at all and is very cooperative when I need to take him out to clean his cage. He'll even crawl toward me when I reach into his cage and almost leap onto my hand all the while showing his 'happy' colors...I think he's just using me for my body heat, but I don't mind. :)
I believe that there is nothing wrong with handling your animals
Chameleons are able to be handled once they get over their initial fear(s)
and invasion or "their" territory by your hand.

It saddens and upsets me that so many write of their aggressive animals
I believe that both the animal and it's keeper will be much happier if both
sides understand that neither wishes to harm the other.

Not only is the animal going to live in a less stressful world
but he owner will be able to take greater pleasure in their care
it's a positive feedback loop that benefits both parties.
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