show me pics of your hoes


Avid Member
i want to see everyones hoes! im so excited to be getting my own in just a few days! i want to see everyone elses. when i get her i'll post unboxing pics on this thread!
she wasnt to happy i got her out for a pic. shes typically a pretty green and yellow.

Meet Amina


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they are so beautiful!!! ah that just made me so much more excited to get her now that i see how pritty the mommy and daddy are!
it s my male and i ve got gravid female :)
if someone have personnal observation about this specie that will be cool:D
that would. i think that they are my fav. i just love they way they look. all lumpy and cute!

here's my hoes, they're kinda of dehydrated at the moment, so make sure you give yours lots of water or they'll turn out like this too. they also like plain calcium powder... lots of it too. hope this helps

Goodmorning everyone :D
That's funny

Chameleonsinmyhouse is a clown lol...
Cooked calcium, damn better keep that from the chams, they might get hooked.
my new cham is now in state

my new cham is now in my state! yay!! hopefully unboxing will be in a while.

the new cham is here!!! perfectly safe and drinnking happily. havent offred food because i cup feed and i dont want to stress her by shoveing things in her perfect little face. shes soooo beautiful. she was sleeping(scared me!) when i got her out. took a sec but she woke and and started moveing around everywhere and has a good strong grip!!! i recvied a care sheet and some food for her witch was so nice. she was purchased from a member on these forums(as you can see in a previous post when i say the parent look gr8) im so so happy and i just love her! without further adue heres chloe!!!--
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I’m guessing you keep them separated I here that locale is very territorial :cool:

usually you can fit about 10 hoes in a 3 city block radius. general rule for males though is 1 for every 5 block radius.

breeding is sometimes hard though, since hoes are generally not a hardy species, babies rarely make it since the mother hoe is usually infested with parasites. but a batch of healthy hoes makes healthy nice offspring, which usually find their way to the pet shops of las vegas and amsterdam.

hope this helps :rolleyes:
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