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Hello I have read here often about giving our chams warm showers for health issues .. Of course without actually getting out the soap on a rope and sharing this personal time with a pet in one hand, how is the best way to do this ..? Also what is the benefit .. I would just like to know to increase my knowledge of keeping these guys healthy and to end my curiosity
Hello I have read here often about giving our chams warm showers for health issues .. Of course without actually getting out the soap on a rope and sharing this personal time with a pet in one hand, how is the best way to do this ..? Also what is the benefit .. I would just like to know to increase my knowledge of keeping these guys healthy and to end my curiosity
When i first got my cham and he was still getting acclimated, he was fussy when it came to just about everything including eating and drinking so i decided to give him a "shower". i have a small mesh reptarium so i put him in there with a vine and put it in the shower with the shower head aimed at the wall behind him so tht the water would hit the wall and splash onto the reptarium. this definitly helps for a dehydrated cham, stimulating them to drink. i still try to give him one every once in awhile, but now i mostly mist him with warm water while he's in his cage and he loves it. he will drink and clean out his eyes and be happy :) If you do go thru with the shower you could also use a spare plant tht you have (a chameleon safe plant of course) instead of the reptarium i use.
Thanks for the technique .. I will try and arrange things so I can do this to my guys as they run and hide when I spray in their enclosure. They seem to not like to get wet at all ?!!? I see them often drinking from off leaves and I have witnessed once one of them using his tounge to get a drop from the dripper. So I at least know not to have to shower them for hydration reasons, but perhaps just for hygiene ....
The reason people recommend showers is because they are great to treat things like:
- Dehydration (gives a chameleon a lot of water without drowning your cage or livingroom)
- Washing out eyes (giving a 10-20 minute shower will often give them enough time to flush out their eyes)
- Respiratory infections (warm water and extra humidity helps clear the airways)
- Stuck shed (softens the dry skin so it'll fall off easily)
And a couple other things, but those are the ones that come to mind first.

And I'm going to post a photo of how I do my showers. I personally prefer my method because it uses less water and ALL the water gets pointed at the chameleon. Bouncing off the walls seems like a waste of water to the conservationist within me lol. I fill the pump with hot water and it'll spray out luke warm, and they seem to like it.

thanks for the picture I do apretiate the effort (even if i cant spell it) !! I have in mind the water usage, but also a bonsai that could do with the watering .. Cheers guys for the info
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