sick chameleon


New Member
hello, i have a sick veiled chameleon. he is about 9 months old. he is sleeping during the day. he drinks plenty of water but he is only eating about 1 super worm every three days. i have tried to feed him through a siringe but he won't open his mouth. i am way over my head on this and can not afford to take him to the vet. i live in rio rancho, new mexico and was wondering if anyone would be willing to take him off my hands. my personal email is [email protected] or you can reply to this thread. i would of course give him and his cage to you. if you can help please.
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen cage 2 ft x 2ft x 4 ft

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?2 5.5 inch domes with zoomed 60 watt heat bulbs, bulbs sit side by side with branches below varying height low temp near heat bulbs is about 85 and high is about 95, also depends on the time of day. i use two reptisun 5 bulbs the 18 inch in the zoo med fixture. one of the two bulbs is about 7 months old and the other is new.

Temperature - heat spot is 85 to 95 degrees depending on which branch he is on and time of day. heat spot has never gotten any hotter than 98 degrees and that was during the summer. i do use 2 60 watt heat bulbs in 5.5 inch dome features. i measure the temp with in cage thermometers. i use two retisun 5.0 bulbs in appropriate fixtures. ambient temps are usual between 72 and 78 depending on time of day. night time temp is usually 65 to 72. i use a portable heater away from cage but in room to manage temps at night.

Humidity - i use a mist king and a home made dripper. the mist king has a double nozzle and goes off i think 8 times a day for 60 seconds each. i only use distilled water. i use a home made dripper in the morning, usually drips slowly for about 30 minutes, humidity levels usually 50 percent, measured with humidity gauge

Plants - no live plants, my chameleon likes super worms and i found the plants would easily get destroyed by the worms.

Placement - cage is in a spare room, he can see out a window but is away from the window. he sits on a table that is about 32 inches off ground and the hight is 4 ft tall. when i stand next to cage the chameleon is usually higher than me. little traffic, just me when i go in room to check on him. he has a timid personality, i only pick him up when i remove him from cage to clean. he doesn't get aggressive or freak out once i get him in my hands, he ttys to walk away slowly but submits calmly once in hands.

Current Problem - chameleon sleeps during day and rarely eating. looking a little thin especially in the tail. no kinks. colors still look normal. eyes look sunken when sleeping but puff up when awake. hasn't pooped in like 8 days. only eats like one super worm every 3 days. super worms or usually gut loaded with butternut squash and wheat bran. he use to eat crickets too, but i think the crickets are what got him sick, as when i went to clean the cricket cage there was a lot of mold under the egg crate. i had never had that before in a cricket cage using my current cleaning and feeding schedule, i immediately disposed of crickets but it was about that time he got sick. i usually only clean his cage about once every 3 weeks. he always goes down to lower branches without leaves to poop, and i clean bottom of cage daily.
Your Chameleon - male veiled chamelon, 9 months old in my care since he was 2 months old
Handling - once or twice a month only to clean his cage and i usually just pick him up and move him to his spare cage
Feeding - use to feed crickets, now just super worms, usually gut load with wheat bran, and butternut squash for worms, crickets would get carrots oranges butternut squash leafy greens and flakers high cal dry food
Supplements - rep cal calcium no d3 lightly dusted daily, every two weeks i use reptivite with d3
Watering - yes i see him drink occasionally, i use a mist king combined with hand made mister, mist king goes off for 60 seconds 8 times a day
Fecal Description - no tests for parasites, chameleons hasn't pooped for about 8 days, chameleons poops is or was usually brown with a white tip, occasionally i would see a little red or orange mixed in with the white tip
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to
Hopefully you can find someone to give him a good home. I do not know of any active members on here from your state unfortunately. There are two chameleon rescues in California, but depending on how ill your chameleon is, I don't know what their protocol is and he would have to be shipped of course. In the mean time as the other member stated, you should read up on the care sheet and see if there is anything you can do improve the situation. Can you post some pictures of him and the way he has been kept? There might be a solution to getting him back on track if you are willing to try and help him.
Don't become discouraged. There isn't much of anything that I can point out from the care description you posted. My only suggestion would be stay away from using super worms as stable. They are very fatty and if chameleons eat them too often they become uninterested in other feeders. As another member put it, they are like french fries to them.

A picture would certainly help. However, there aren't any drastic improvements that your husbandry requires. Therefore, whatever problem may need a vets to resolve. It may be a parasite, it may be a respiratory infection.
don't know if i am doing this right but i added some attachments. my phone usually takes good pictures but for some reason i am just a little shaky. and the photos are a little blurry


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