Sick Chameleon


New Member
I think my Chameleon is very sick now.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, 6 months, male
  • Handling - I meet him every morning and late at night while he is sleeping
  • Feeding - Small grasshopper
  • Supplements - fern
  • Watering - I spray by hand, every morning and my mom take over that at evening
  • Fecal Description - I live in Vietnam so there isnt any vet for chameleon :( So I try to cure him by myself, many days ago he has a dehydrated, so I increase spraying time. I often bring him to the natural sunlight to basking aroung 8-9am

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen - 30cm x 40cm x 80cm
  • Lighting - Basking Spot: Exoterra 100w, UVB: Sera reptil 20w
  • Temperature - Around 30-35C in the morning and lower than 30C at night
  • Humidity - 60%, 80% after mist
  • Plants - fern
  • Placement -LIving room, about 1m to the window
  • Location - Southern Vietnam

Current Problem - He has dehydrated many days ago, his eye sunken, so I increasing spraying time, 2 times he drink the water right at my spraying bottle. But to day I woke up and found that he cant use his tail, so the 2 back legs is very difficult to walk, his vent is swollen :(

Here are some photo


This morning
When a chameleon's eyes are sunken in its not always a straight case of dehydration. It may be that the chameleon is sick and the sunken eyes are a result of that due to dehydration from it not drinking because its sick.
Guys, new updates, I think somethink stuck in his vent, he just tried to let it out, and its hurt him maybe, i saw his tail moves.
He looks thin to me? Are there any other insects to feed besides grasshoppers? Maybe the fern you are giving him is toxic? Do you ever give him any calcium? When it says "supplements" in the ask for help form that is what they mean, calcium, vitamins, etc. Can you post a picture of his set up and how long has be been in your care?
He looks thin to me? Are there any other insects to feed besides grasshoppers? Maybe the fern you are giving him is toxic? Do you ever give him any calcium? When it says "supplements" in the ask for help form that is what they mean, calcium, vitamins, etc. Can you post a picture of his set up and how long has be been in your care?
I've bought him for around 4 months, when he still at the shop, they feed them crickets, but when I took him home, he didnt want to eat crickets anymore, so I tried grasshopper and he start to eat. I thought the same thing like you, cause I just replace my old plants with fern. And I used the exoterra multi vitamin for him.

Here is my setup with the old trees, the bulbs i put it on the top outside of frame so you cant see it.
Ok that is not calcium and is a multi vitamin. Don't give that to him on a daily basis, but about twice month. You can cause many problems overdosing with vitamins. Just like us, too much of anything in our diet can sometimes be harmful. Males get sperm plugs that come out of their vents. It is possible he could be impacted with those. For not giving calcium his limbs do look good and are not showing any signs of MBD. If he has some kind of blockage it could be pressing on a nerve or something causing him to not be able to use his back legs. I have seen this before on here where the back legs cannot be used.
Ok that is not calcium and is a multi vitamin. Don't give that to him on a daily basis, but about twice month. You can cause many problems overdosing with vitamins. Just like us, too much of anything in our diet can sometimes be harmful. Males get sperm plugs that come out of their vents. It is possible he could be impacted with those. For not giving calcium his limbs do look good and are not showing any signs of MBD. If he has some kind of blockage it could be pressing on a nerve or something causing him to not be able to use his back legs. I have seen this before on here where the back legs cannot be used.
So what should I do now :( Im so worry
How does his poop and urate look? Is the urate white or yellow or another color?
Its really hard for him to poop, like i said, look like something stuck in the vent, this morning I bring him out for sunbathing and he poop on the newspaper.


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I'm sorry your chameleon is so sick. He has severe diarrhea. The most likely cause of diarrhea is parasites. He is too sick to treat the parasites. In an ideal world, he needs to be stabilized and the first step would be subcutaneous fluids. I understand your not being able to find someone to treat him. Please make him comfortable and don't handle him.
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