Sick female veiled chameleon



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Not the chameleons color...the color of the urates hat come out when she poops. I don't mean the poop color...I mean the other part that comes out when she poops.
The rates look white which is good but I don’t know about the poo color, that doesn’t look normal but it might be because of what you’re feeding her. She’s in my prayers.
White urates mean the chameleon should not be dehydrated.
But shes severely dehydrated. Her cone is sunken her eyes are sunken. Yet she refuses to stay down in her hospital bin. She still grips up to her branch. I moved everything away from her to keep her in a still space. She will ooen her one eye after showering for 15- 20 mins. Vet says shes old and going to pass that was a week ago. Takes her tube feeding very well. My Saturn baby is here with us and we wont stop til she does.
Please post a photo of the hospital bin? Is it in the cage? If so....where is the UVB light no the basking light?
Are you putting the lid on the container with her trapped inside?
This is what it looks like when she uses the restroom. Shes been strictly water and carnivore only thru a tube syringe. Today she fell off the branch. She was found on the floor. Picked up and redid her cage again where shes now at the very bottom of cage with her bin. NO THERES NO LID ON ITsmh cant believe that was even asked. Lid is next to container so she wouldnt fall out.


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It was because the lid is beside the container the I asked if you put it on the container. You may think some of my jest ions are dumb but you would not believe how many people who come here skiing for help do things that make no I have o in order to be sure.

So continuing on with my dumb questions....where is the UVB light and the baking light....on top of the cage ...far above the container??

This might help...
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