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My boyfriend has been adamant about getting a chameleon for the past month and it didn't help that a friend of his who raises chameleons and the guy at the reptile store told him that they were actually fairly easy to take care of. My bf built a cage and then while I was gone for a few days he got "everything" and set it up and then informed me that he had got the chameleon. When I got back the next day the chameleon was sleeping all day, he had eaten two crickets the day before but that was it and we didn't see him drinking any water from the drip cup. Managed to figure out that he was very dehydrated we gave him a shower and it helped he was at least more active. Since my bf didn't get a humidifier we were spraying him a lot. Since I didn't know anything about chameleons at the point in time I let my bf sleep with the window open and the fan on thinking that the chameleon would be fine with its heat lamp. The next morning we woke up and he was worse than before his eyes were sunken in and starting to slightly turn brown it took me four hrs of spraying him before he recovered enough to open his eyes and start moving. I had to do it for two hrs and then I needed a new way to spray him so I put him back in the cage and then put him back in the bathroom and did the other two hrs. I think he was ok the first time a little scared and cautious but the second time was to much. We put a cover over two thirds of the cage and just left a spot for a little air flow. When I was going to bed I looked at his cage and his head was just barely poking out around the cover, when he saw me move his head slowly dissapeared. I spent the next two hrs watching him, if he saw even one of my eyes looking at him he would slowly go back behind the cover. I managed to do the same type of thing just peaking the corner of my eye over my sholder and watch him watching us sleep.
Since then he has been a little more active and gotten a little more comfertable around us but he still wont eat and he doesn't drink unless we give him a shower, which we are doing daily because were still having a few problems keeping him hydrated. He wont eat crickets because he wont hunt for them and u cant make them stay in one spot but still have them move enough to get his attention. He did eat two meal worms yesterday, he practically ran to get the first one and then ate one later too but today we just noticed that he recently threw them up.
At the moment he is in a makeshift home because we had to fix his original cage because it was going to start molding from all of the water if we didn't. We made a humidifier to go on top of his cage and got digital thermometers so we'd know the exact temp and humidity and then got the correct heat lamp bulb. The original spray bottle wasn't working out so we bought a pump sprayer which works wonderfully. We still have to pick him up to take him into the bathroom to give him a shower, he's gotten used to me enough that he doesn't mind me doing things around him and trying to rearrange is space so it works better just as long as I move slow enough he doesn't mind at all unless he was recently scared. He will even let my hand get close enough to pick him up but he just doesn't like actually being picked up, but when I put him on my shirt to climb on he calms down. I know he really doesn't like to be picked up but theres really no other way to move him to give him a shower.
There are pics below of him and his temporary home.
I've always been a big animal person and will always put the animals needs before my own and get rather pissed at people who don't, I've also always been more of a quiet person most of the time. My boyfriend is the exact opposite he isn't used to being that quiet or that patient so he'll do something and accidentally scare the chameleon. To give him credit he has been a lot more quiet and patient, but its still reverses at least part of the progress I make with the chameleon.
We are almost positive he is sick because of stress, but is there anything to do about his not eating or drinking, because he will drink in the shower and he did drink after we rehydrated him the first time. We called the place we got him from and they told us that along with the stress he probably couldn't eat the meal worms because they only fed him crickets at the store. I'm really running out of ideas other than taking him to the vet because he hasn't eaten in 6 days now. I really didn't want to take him back because the place that sold him to us really new nothing about chameleons, we wouldn't be having near the problems that we are having if they did, so I would rather try and give him a really good home instead of taking him back, but with the start we've had I'm not sure if its going to work.
I would greatly appreciate any help or general advice every little bit helps.
* Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Zoo Meds Nature Sun 18" 15W and Zoo Med Nightlight Red Reptile Bulb 100W (He would only move out from under the closest spot to the heat lamp for a little while). The UVA comes on at 9am and goes off at 9pm and we leave the heat lamp on all the time.
*Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
We have two digital thermometers one for the basking spot and one for the coolest spot, but due to having to redo the cage we only have one thermometer in use. We put it at the same level that he mostly stays at, its normally
* Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
The thermometers are are also hygrometers we typically keep it in the 70's and try to keep it in the mid 60's at night, but no lower than 60.
* Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
At the moment no but when we get the cage done we would like to put one in.
* Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
At the moment it is on the bedroom floor. We only turn the ceiling fan on low at night. We try to be in the room as little as possible and when we are I am almost silent and my bf is quiet. We are also thinking of moving him into the bathtub so we don't have to move him again till his cage is done and then there would be no foot traffic at all. I really don't want to move him again but I guess we will still have to move him for his showers if we leave him where he is.
When we finish the cage it will sit on a table about 2ft off the ground and the top of the cage would be about 5ft
* Location - Where are you geographically located?
Eugene Oregon
Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon?
Jackson Chameleon, Male, we aren't sure of the age because my bf didn't ask.
* Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
We only do it when we take him to the bathroom for a shower, we try to keep it to once a day or once in the morning and once at night so he can calm down in between. (but once I start to spray him he gets really happy and a lot of his stress goes away)
* Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
He has yet to eat anything that has been dusted but we have Fluker's Calcium with Vitamin D3.
* Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?
We have a 1 gallon pump sprayer.
* Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
* History – We got the chameleon at Reptile Kingdom in Eugene OR on June 5th.
This is him
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This is his temporary home
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This is the structure he stays in, he's always on top of the white part (you can actually see him in the top left) he never goes down into it.
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This is the top. There's the lights the drip cup and the black tube with the white cap is part of the humidifier.
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I'm sorry if this is insanely long but I would rather give to many details then not enough.
I don't know if there are any spelling or grammar errors, if there are and it really bothers you I'm sorry but I really would rather worry about the chameleon. (previous problems with posts)
Since then he has been a little more active and gotten a little more comfertable around us but he still wont eat and he doesn't drink unless we give him a shower, which we are doing daily because were still having a few problems keeping him hydrated. He wont eat crickets because he wont hunt for them and u cant make them stay in one spot but still have them move enough to get his attention. He did eat two meal worms yesterday, he practically ran to get the first one and then ate one later too but today we just noticed that he recently threw them up.
At the moment he is in a makeshift home because we had to fix his original cage because it was going to start molding from all of the water if we didn't. We made a humidifier to go on top of his cage and got digital thermometers so we'd know the exact temp and humidity and then got the correct heat lamp bulb. The original spray bottle wasn't working out so we bought a pump sprayer which works wonderfully. We still have to pick him up to take him into the bathroom to give him a shower, he's gotten used to me enough that he doesn't mind me doing things around him and trying to rearrange is space so it works better just as long as I move slow enough he doesn't mind at all unless he was recently scared. He will even let my hand get close enough to pick him up but he just doesn't like actually being picked up, but when I put him on my shirt to climb on he calms down. I know he really doesn't like to be picked up but theres really no other way to move him to give him a shower.
There are pics below of him and his temporary home.
I've always been a big animal person and will always put the animals needs before my own and get rather pissed at people who don't, I've also always been more of a quiet person most of the time. My boyfriend is the exact opposite he isn't used to being that quiet or that patient so he'll do something and accidentally scare the chameleon. To give him credit he has been a lot more quiet and patient, but its still reverses at least part of the progress I make with the chameleon.
We are almost positive he is sick because of stress, but is there anything to do about his not eating or drinking, because he will drink in the shower and he did drink after we rehydrated him the first time. We called the place we got him from and they told us that along with the stress he probably couldn't eat the meal worms because they only fed him crickets at the store. I'm really running out of ideas other than taking him to the vet because he hasn't eaten in 6 days now. I really didn't want to take him back because the place that sold him to us really new nothing about chameleons, we wouldn't be having near the problems that we are having if they did, so I would rather try and give him a really good home instead of taking him back, but with the start we've had I'm not sure if its going to work.
I would greatly appreciate any help or general advice every little bit helps.
* Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Zoo Meds Nature Sun 18" 15W and Zoo Med Nightlight Red Reptile Bulb 100W (He would only move out from under the closest spot to the heat lamp for a little while). The UVA comes on at 9am and goes off at 9pm and we leave the heat lamp on all the time.
*Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
We have two digital thermometers one for the basking spot and one for the coolest spot, but due to having to redo the cage we only have one thermometer in use. We put it at the same level that he mostly stays at, its normally
* Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
The thermometers are are also hygrometers we typically keep it in the 70's and try to keep it in the mid 60's at night, but no lower than 60.
* Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
At the moment no but when we get the cage done we would like to put one in.
* Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
At the moment it is on the bedroom floor. We only turn the ceiling fan on low at night. We try to be in the room as little as possible and when we are I am almost silent and my bf is quiet. We are also thinking of moving him into the bathtub so we don't have to move him again till his cage is done and then there would be no foot traffic at all. I really don't want to move him again but I guess we will still have to move him for his showers if we leave him where he is.
When we finish the cage it will sit on a table about 2ft off the ground and the top of the cage would be about 5ft
* Location - Where are you geographically located?
Eugene Oregon
Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon?
Jackson Chameleon, Male, we aren't sure of the age because my bf didn't ask.
* Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
We only do it when we take him to the bathroom for a shower, we try to keep it to once a day or once in the morning and once at night so he can calm down in between. (but once I start to spray him he gets really happy and a lot of his stress goes away)
* Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
He has yet to eat anything that has been dusted but we have Fluker's Calcium with Vitamin D3.
* Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?
We have a 1 gallon pump sprayer.
* Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
* History – We got the chameleon at Reptile Kingdom in Eugene OR on June 5th.
This is him

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This is his temporary home

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This is the structure he stays in, he's always on top of the white part (you can actually see him in the top left) he never goes down into it.

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This is the top. There's the lights the drip cup and the black tube with the white cap is part of the humidifier.

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I'm sorry if this is insanely long but I would rather give to many details then not enough.
I don't know if there are any spelling or grammar errors, if there are and it really bothers you I'm sorry but I really would rather worry about the chameleon. (previous problems with posts)