Sickly Chameleon


New Member
Chameleon Info: Milo

Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, and approx 8-9 months.

Handling - Hardly at all until recent issues demanded it (per vet instruction). Has now been handled once daily for the last 2 weeks.

Feeding - Up until 2 weeks ago he had a normal diet of gutloaded crickets and occasional wax worms (he loves them - I know they're not the best for him though so I keep it minimal).

Watering - I have a timed mister, it runs every 3 hours or so for 30 seconds, or else the enclosure dosen't dry enough.

Fecal Description - Seems normal - maybe a little watery. Recently he'll only poop once every 3 days or so.

History - Insert the list of ignorant first time chameleon owner issues: First, bought him from Petco and listened to Petco staff regarding a cage setup and diet... Re-established everything after talking to a vet months later.

Second, took him to the vet about 5 months ago for a prolapsed peepee - semen had dried in it because his cage wasn't humid enough - had to give him an antibiotic (Baytril) and a pain reliever for 2 weeks. Handling didn't go well at first but he got used to it. One of the medicines was making him loopy (almost fell off branches a few times, didn't have a sense of where he was or what he was doing), I assumed it was the pain killer so I lessened the dosage a bit and tried to keep him on low branches.

I believe we may have overcompensated for the above issue and kept his humidity too high afterwards. I found him drinking some pooled water and he had foamy bubbles pouring out of his mouth. Read online about a URI and noticed that whenever he took a deep breath it seemed labored and there was a clicking noise. Took him to the vet who told us he may have a URI but he also has terrible MBD. Got more Baytril and a calcium syrup.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 24-24-36, screen front and top, the rest is glass. Top is covered with foil to keep heat in.
Lighting - 3ft UVB strip that runs the side of the cage. Heat lamp and red night lamp.
Temperature - 80 - 85 during the day. Basking spot is closer to 90 but he's always on the bottom of the cage now anyway :/
Humidity - Try to keep it around 70 - Gets a little drier during the day then I make sure he gets a good misting at night.
Plants - Mostly plastic. Have bamboo and a small non-prickly cactus in there too.
Placement - Corner of my room. No direct sunlight, not in front of a window or anything.
Location - Western Oregon

Current Problem - We've been giving him the calcium syrup and Baytril and, per vet instruction, getting him direct sunlight for about 20 mins on nice days. Milo has since completely stopped eating so I made a mash of crickets and worms that we fed him for a few days before talking with the vet and getting some AD (canned cat/dog food) - we now water that down and give him 0.5ml / day. The thing is, on top of all of this, he now only hangs around the bottom of his cage (seems to have no desire for warmth) and also continuously falls asleep (while holding him, while feeding him, etc.). He's extremely thirsty all the time though doesn't show other signs of dehydration - just wants to drink water. He used to drink out of a dish until he almost drown in it so we just sort of nurse him via the spray bottle but he'll keep going until we stop it.

Idk what to do. I called the vet again and she said it sounds like he's hypoglycemic but obviously couldn't diagnose him over the phone. We've cleaned out his cage multiple times - he doesn't seem stressed out - once he got used to the handling and medication he doesn't mind it anymore (always bright green colors). The sleepiness and not caring about the temp is what's bothering me though. He'll be functional and aware one minute and either delusional or passed out the next - and, like I said, hasn't tried to eat a cricket or a worm for about 2 weeks now. I've read the side-effects of Baytril but the vet doesn't think that's an issue. Anyone have tips for a potentially diabetic or narcoleptic chameleon? Or ideas on what else could be wrong? The only things I can confirm is that there's no way he's dehydrated or lacking in calcium. Please let me know what you think - I'm worried he may not have much more time :/
I would not feed him the dog/cat food. The smashed up bugs are a better option. I am not sure there is anything else that you can do. It sounds like you are doing all that you can for him.
Chams shouldn't have a night light/red lamp. It does sound like he had or has respiratory infection. Chams don't have an upper and lower system though. I wouldn't give him cat/dog food. Not sure which vet you are going to but it sounds like you need a new one. Dove Lewis is great for oregon residents. A vet should have given you the meal replacement powder called oxbow as well
Night lamp I had to have during the winter to keep temps normal at night. I use it sporadically in spring/summer - he used to just hide in a dark area while he was sleeping. I'll check out Dove Lewis though - thanks for the recommendation. I've been going here: supposed to be one of the top places in OR but I will admit, doesn't seem like they deal with a lot of chams...
D: I'm sorry your boy isn't feeling well.
And that's the last straw- I'm going to see if I can get ahold of corporate's number and tell them about all the horror stories of chameleons from our stores. I've said this before, but none of the employees are happy about the chameleons for sale. Impulse buys are so fricken bad for these animals. They really need copious amounts of research before anyone purchases them. And the habitats in our stores aren't good for chams.

I should be able to get ahold of the head of the animal department for my region at least.
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