Hi I was wondering if there was any signs to indicate a veiled might be shedding soon. I've noticed his skin looks a little dry and he has a couple of white patches. Should I increase misting to help him out?
Usually when mine are about to shed they decrease their appetite a little bit, and their skin starts to look a little glossy or dusty. Just mist them with hot water (so it comes out of the bottle warm) often and allow drying periods, and leave them be for the most part when they do shed.
my guy just shed out of nowhere for the first time in my posession, and i noticed the day before he seemed to look a bit dry. for the most part he had no problems at all and wasnt too grumpy. but again, all chams are individuals im sure shed appreciate a nice warm misting or two to help things along
I never even notice any 'pre-shed' signs, they just seem to explode and off goes the old skin. Daario did a power shed today, almost all of it gone in a few hours. I did hand mist him a few times (much to his dismay).
Both our boys shed out of nowhere and it doesn't seem to affect their mood or appetite. Our girl on the other hand won't eat and becomes slightly more grouchy than her standard level of grouchy.