Silas will not pull his hemipenis in


New Member
No matter what I do I can not get Silas to pull his hemipenis back in. I have tried applying warm moist towel, cool towel, spraying with water and nothing is working. What do I need to do?
No matter what I do I can not get Silas to pull his hemipenis back in. I have tried applying warm moist towel, cool towel, spraying with water and nothing is working. What do I need to do?

Could you post a picture? He could have a prolapse, but we will hope not.
Hi Laurie,

Here is a pic.


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Put some KY jelly on it to keep it moist until it retracts. (DO NOT USE VASELINE.) Does it appear swollen at all?
A picture would help.
Well that doesn't look like any prolapse I have ever seen. How long has he been like that? Could he be stuck on the branch?
I would have to say you need a vet, if one is not available, put the KY on it and keep him from dragging it across branches which will cause it to swell and not go back in. You may want to put him in smooth bottom tote that is a little moist on the bottom.
Poor Silas! You have got to get him to the vet. As everyone said keep it moist with KY and do not let him damage it on the branches. I have heard that soaking in sugar water might help until you get him to the vet. Do you have a good chameleon vet?
HI Everyone, Yes I am taking him to the vet this evening. It is not the usual vet that I have, but it is a reptile vet. So here we go.
Best of luck, that looks very .... interesting. I can't say I remember seeing a picture of a prolapse sticking out that far. Hopefully your vet is efficient.
On my way to the vet in a few minutes. With my experiences with Chams so far I'm beginning to think that maybe I shouldn't have one.
On my way to the vet in a few minutes. With my experiences with Chams so far I'm beginning to think that maybe I shouldn't have one.

This stuff just happens. It is part of cham keeping. I am glad you can get into a vet on a Saturday night.
Well we are back from the vet and he still is showing his stuff. The vet tried to kind of put it back in, but Silas was not cooperating. He did give me some saline solution and sugar and water solution to put on it. So we will see what happens.
Hello, I just wanted to let you all know (you have all been so kind and helpful) that Silas still has his problem:(. I did give him a sugar water soak this afternoon (per Sandy at Chameleons NW) and he still has his prolapse. After talking with Sandy, I have decided, and they have suggested that I send him back to them. Needless to say I am sad. By the sound of the vet last night if this didn't take care of itself, he was going to need more medical attention. Sandy and Elliot are going to take him back and try to see what they can do. He will be shipped back to them tomorrow.

I will not be getting another Chameleon. I think that maybe this is the way it is supposed to be. First Titus, now Silas. I will be selling all my supplies, if anyone is interested.

Thanks again for all your support, you have all been great.
I too am sad for you and for Silas having to be shipped again. The longer he stays prolaps the worse it's going to be so yet another day in a box with a prolaps....poor thing. IMO the vet should have fixed him last night. Maybe he was not a chameleon vet.
I'm sorry this happened. If you want to keep him, I would go back to the vet and demand that they purse suture him as they should have yesterday. I think it is very irresponsible of them to send him home in that condition.

Although I am not sure that the Vet seen last night knew exactly what they were doing, sometimes it is not possible to put the hemipene back in and amputation is necessary. This is often due to necrosis of the tissue, or swelling that will not go down, or due to the body cavity not being large enough to reinsert.
pssh-I was only trying to make the point that possibly the Vet did not know what they were doing and were maybe not skilled in what needed to be done.

At the risk of starting an argument, as of late you seem to have a need to prove that you know everything.
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