Silk Worms


Established Member
Hey I want to start keep silkworms in bulk but I would like to see some designs that people have for their keepers. I hear that silkies can be a little temperamental so I want to be sure that I do it right. I need a third staple for my chameleons. I do the treats but all I hear is how great silk worms are. I am looking forward to seeing the innovative designs everyone has in here. Thanks
Are you planning on breeding them? or just keeping them for short periods of time?

I grow them up from eggs that I buy. I do nothing special. A few plastic dishes (former sour cream and yogurt containers), piece of papertowel on the bottom, sprinkle a few eggs into each dish, wait, see them hatch, cook food, feed them little pieces. The silkies dont go anywhere so long as you feed them, dump the poop etc so I dont even bother with lids. I find silkworms just as easy as superworms to hand onto.

This is a good thread:
i would most likely be just buying the eggs. Is it very hard to breed them? I am always open to other options. I just want the best for my chams and I know that silkies are an awesome food source.
Its not really worth it to breed them when you can buy the eggs so cheaply. If you really want to get gung ho you can order a million of them from china!
I dont have the time/space/interest in breeding them, simply because I'm breeding so many other things and the eggs are very cheap to buy.
Its not really worth it to breed them when you can buy the eggs so cheaply. If you really want to get gung ho you can order a million of them from china!

FDA called, They said there is a massive recall on Silkworm eggs from China.

For the question above me, yes.. you can refrigerate them until you want to hatch th eggs..But, they won't survive in the fridge forever.
I belive i mentioned the period in the thread silkworm 101
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