Silk worms


New Member
Hi There

About two month ago I purchased a batch of silk worms. My Jackson cham does not eat them, I kept them anyway and about 4 weeks ago they start wrapping them selves in to a cocoons. I have about 8 cocoons now, however none of them have emerged yet. I keep them in the closet in the plastic topper-were. I know that it should take about 10 to 12 days for the moth to emerge. I want to try and feed the moth to my cham.

Is it normal to take that long? Do I need to take them out side?
I managed to get one to moth stage by accident! I keep the silkworms on top of Amy's viv and one just spun it's cocoon. It took exactly two weeks to emerge. Just be prepared for how darn cute those things are! I couldn't feed it to the chams as it is such a sweet looking l'il thing! :eek:
Silkworm Moths......

Mine took longer than that. I just kept them in a container with holes for air on a room temperature shelf. Only about half of my chams would eat them. I have a bunch of juvie chams and they, in particular, seemed to be afraid of them. Just be patient. The moths will emerge eventually.
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