

Established Member
For the first time in a long time I decided to breed some silkworms again. The moths are kind of interesting to me. Curious to know if anyone knows if refrigerating them improves the hatch rate or not. I could use them now or the spring trying to decide what to do with the eggs once I make sure they're fertile
Once the eggs turn black/brown, I put them in the fridge. I was using one of those cheap-o table top 6 pack fridges, which was warmer, like a wine fridge and was perfect. My big fridge gets too cold and in the past had killed all of my eggs. (Recently the little fridge died and killed all my eggs 😢) I usually let them diapause at least 3 months before hatching and hatch rates have always been high, with all but a very few not hatching.
I found a journal article on cold storage of eggs. Apparently how the adults are raised can impact if diapause is needed or not. It was a little bit complicated for me to unpack so I am going to put them in the fridge for 2-3 months and hope for the best.
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