silks vs horns

Both! Feed them as well as crickets, roaches, stick bugs, grasshoppers, wax worms, butter worms, super worms, meal worms, non toxic moths, sow bugs, fruit flies, house flies, blue bottle flies, praying mantis, and non toxic butterflies. There are many I am missing as well.
Online. Or you may have to catch some outside and breed them to get their clean parasite free offspring.
well i do feed them crikets but i want something that is more healthy form them and i figured sliks or horns would be at the top of the list since dubias are banned here...i have lobster roachs breeding but they take so long...and superworms arent a food sorces thats more of a "treat"
I know, but they need variety in their diet. I listed all of those because they are able to be fed and should be fed, though not all as often as others. Silkworms and hornworms are both great for them but they still need hard bodied insects like roaches, crickets, mantis, stick bugs, katydids, super worms, and meal worms for the roughage. Wouldn't want tomato soup with added vitamins all the time would ya? :)
Get some stick insects. They are extremely prolific and breed parthenogenically (absence of a male) Chameleons also love them. In the wild a chameleon would eat a lot more stick insects and mantids than crix. You should also add other insects for variety but sticks are a good start. Search "Phasmids" on the forums for more info.
Which one is a better diet for my veileds n panthers???

Horn worms are a good source of food for your chameleon but they can bite! This is a worm that i wouldn't leave in my chams cage untended. My cham wont eat these anymore. He use to love them but, i have a feeling he got bit by one because he wants nothing to do with them anymore. Silk worms on the other hand in my opinion, are a great source of food.
well i do feed them crikets but i want something that is more healthy form them and i figured sliks or horns would be at the top of the list since dubias are banned here...i have lobster roachs breeding but they take so long...and superworms arent a food sorces thats more of a "treat"

Sounds like you're on the right track. Crickets, silkworms, hornworms, roaches and a few superworms - that's sufficient. Although more variety is certainly great, your cham will be fine with these 5 bugs.

Where to buy feeders:
List of feeder options, with information about each:

Note: stick insects are not legal in many places, including all of the USA

Nightcrawlers and snails are an excellent source of protein and calcium. native stick insects, meaning if they are native to your area, can be kept and bred as feeders. Isopods if they will eat them as well as other earthworms among other things.

Digby Rigby
Earthworms and nightcrawlers are not good for chameleons, it has something to do with their slime coat I believe, stay away from those.
my only problem is i would have to order online and i dont like doin that...could go bad they all end up dead with in a week...when i get feeders i get 2 thousand crikets a week maybe a week and a half and 100 superworms a month or month and a half.
Well, it's just something you have to deal with. If you buy from a reputable seller then there's less of a chance of death. Of course all feeders require specific care so providing the care will also greatly reduce death.
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