Established Member
I just ordered 2 of those pods from Coastal Silkworms and I was absolutely shocked to see so much poop! I didn't think silkworms living like that could possibly be safe to feed to a chameleon and I want to breed them anyway, so I moved them into a Sterlite bin. I have that typical silkworm setup with the suspended plastic canvas (I'm gonna have to replace it with one with bigger holes though... I has no idea how huge silkworms (and their poop) get!). But it seems like these guys love being messy! They get each other all woven together in silk along with a lot of their poop. I'm afraid to even grab these guys, I kind of let them crawl on me because they seem so fragile (and yet their silk and grip/suction are so powerful!!). I tried spraying them with warm water, both as a bath and to try to release their silk poop traps, but that didn't seem to work. So I was wondering what I can do to try to separate these guys from their poop that's stuck in the same silk they are? Would it be safe to try to pull them off? I'm scared I'm gonna break them ;p