Silkworm egg refrigeration?


Avid Member
I just ordered silkworm eggs figured I’d give it a shot. How do I know if it’s safe to store them in the fridge when I get them because I didn’t pay for over night it’s priority mail so no ice pack but its supposed to be in the lower 40s all week for me. but if they get to warm wile being shipped how will I know its to late to keep the eggs in the fridge?
Check with the person you get the eggs from. If they were freshly layed their trip should not prevent you from sticking them in the refrigerator when they show up. If they have been refrigerated before shipping then they woul most likely have been warmer during their trip than when they were efore shipping and it would be best to just let them all hatch!
Wooo I got 2000 haha but it’s ok I got a lot of chameleons If anything but I’ll ask the place I ordered from it was “mulberry farms”
Unless you had them shipped with the ice pack, they are "activated" and you cant refrig them. It only takes a few hours of above fridge temps to get them going, and once they are going, its either hatch or die, you cant slow them down by putting them back in the fridge.
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