Silkworm question


New Member
I was going to order a cup of silkworms. I noticed they sell eggs (mulberryfarms). How hard is it to raise them? Can I store the eggs and only use a little at a time?
Also I have an empty 20g tank and was going to use it for feeders. Im thinking of putting some dividers in so I can keep a few different things in one tank. Will it work for roaches silkworms and crickets?
Silk worms need to be warm to hatch. You can buy eggs and use a little at a time, but you have to call ahead of time. it's not that hard, but they take a few weeks to get big. An incubator works best to keep them warm as bulbs will dry out the food and stuff too fast, though ceramic heaters can work. Silkworms need to be really clean as any bacteria can potentially harm them and kill of all of them. So the 20 gallon probably wouldn't work like that. If you plan to start a colony, I'd just use the whole tank for the roaches and separate ones for crickets and silkies. Plus cleaning would be really hard...
silkworms are not hard to raise if you keep them in an open container. i found out the hard way, that humidity murders their asses fast lol. keeping them around 78-85 is good. 86-89 they grow fast. always have fresh wet food ready for them! always handle with extremely clean hands!

the tank idea is not so good.

crickets should always be kept separate.

dubia roaches i believe can be safely kept with other species of roaches?

silkworms will die fast living close to those guys. in my opinion, silkworms need it a billion times cleaner than any cricket or roach! lol
I think I will just go with the cup.........does anyone know how long they will last in the cup? If I'm correct they will turn into a moth right? Can you feed a moth to your chem?
You can feed the moths to your chameleon, but some don't like them. They're cute little fat non flying moths too :)
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