Silkworms and Dusting

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Amy's silkworms arrived a couple of days ago. She loves them, but they are not a staple food for her, as I can't get hold of them very often over here! I know that they are very good for her, but do I still need to dust them with calcium powder?
Amy's silkworms arrived a couple of days ago. She loves them, but they are not a staple food for her, as I can't get hold of them very often over here! I know that they are very good for her, but do I still need to dust them with calcium powder?

I don't dust mine except for the time right after Camille laid eggs....then I dusted everything for a few days.
If you are not offering her anything else in her meal that is dusted than yes you need to dust them. Karma normally eats one large dusted roach every other day, normally hes full but if he eats anything else I dont dust it, Same with Sam, he eats crickets normally though, I almost never dust their superworms since they only have them as treats. Titan on the other hand is spoiled on supers so his get dusted. My brevs havnt had time to get picky over their food yet lol.
hi Tiff,

personaly I don't ever feed dusted worms besides supers.

I'm sure you are dusting crickets and other hoppers, so if you give them to her every few days undusted it will be fine.

personaly, I feel that even if we lightly dust, I (or we) are dusting our insects too heavy by mistake at times.
as a result, I only dusted my morning feedings for Splat and his evening meals only gets what ever dust might be left over in the dusting container.

soft body worms like silkies and butters breath through their skin and dust will make them move less and kill them fast in the end.
(although I'm sure Amy eats as fast as Splat, so that is not a big deal for now...just something to think about.)

to solve this problem, dust your crickets/locusts in the morning and feed a silkie or two in the evening's what I do.

I dont usually bother dusting silkies
It depends what else is being eaten that week. if some dusted crickets were on the menu the day before, I dont feel the need to dust the silkies the next day. If silkies were all /primarily what I was using, then I would periodically dust them
Thanks everyone! I will carry on as I have been then. She has crix, locusts or a super offered in the morning and a couple of small silkies in the afternoon. She really enjoys them - it's a shame that they are so expensive and not available very often over here. I am sure she would love a moth too - how do you get them to pupate? Do I need to do anything specific or just feed them and wait?
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