

Chameleon Enthusiast
What is the nutritional content of silk worms fed the commercial food? What is the calcium/phosphorus ratio?

Is the nutritional quality different betweem silkworms fed on a mulberry bush and silkworms fed on commercial food?
I put together several insect nutritional studies in 2008 that were available, and silk worms were consistent between 2 studies done. I cannot attest to the accuracy, as this is second hand information…


Fat 11%

Water 83%

Protein 63.80%

Fiber 2.3%

Calcium 21%

Phosphorus 54%

Ca/Phos ratio 1:12

It was not shared if theses results were based on dry cooked chow or fresh Mulberry leaves, so I don't know. My opinion is fresh Mulberry leaves would be better than ground up processed leaves.

Silks are the highest protein % in the studies I have seen, and the Calcium/Phosphorus ratio is the same as crickets, mealworms, super worms, and wax worms. Phoenix worms have the best Calcium/Phosphorus ratio at 1:52, too bad they are so perishable.


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