

Established Member
One of my silkworms in my container today started oozing a greenish liquid out of its butt. It doesn't look like Grasserie, but I've never seen it before.
I poked him with an eraser, and more liquid oozed out. I left for a couple of minutes to research, and when I came back, the liquid was red.
I threw that worm and the rest of my worms (not very many) away. I didn't take any pictures (sorry) but I know it isn't grasserie, I looked at that here:

From Dodolah's thread on silkworms:

now, a warning for everybody, if any of your silkies start dumping their gut, oozing some milky liquid, or have greenish frass be4 their 5th instar phase, don't think it's an early puberty for your silkies.. It's a disease! (put "Psycho" soundtrack here)

Gently pick up the silkies (i do mean gently. If your silkies got a disease called "grasserie," they will die and turn black (a black kego is fine.. but a black silky is not). Any slight force will burst them open and expelled milky liquid. ewww)
You want to separate sick silkies from the healthy one. and seriously, clean the cage. Those milky substance is very infectious! if you don't do anything about it, you'll get an epidemic (pretty soon, your silkworm colony will die).
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