Simple setups > all out setups


New Member
So i had a talk with an owner of a reptile pet store about why my chaneleon is always so aggressive and stengy. The guy knows a lot more than most and he was telling me how your setup should not have any more than one medium sized tropical plant and a few vines. I thought at first he was crazy but i thought about how all of his chameleons are healthy and super friendly. He also said people tend get oversized cages which is also bad. Basically his point is to not try and create an exact environment because it causes your chameleon to become very territorial and will actually think he is wild and will become stressed when anything comes near. Just sharing a technique for all those who want their chameleons to be less aggressive!
I would prefer my cham thinking he was in the wild as opposed to knowing the was stuck in some cage and had to act nice... Seems sad to me! I love making large, spoiled habitats!
Sounds backwards... you'd think less space would make it more territorial. I myself just stay with lots of room and lots of places to hide. Works perfectly fine for me.
My panther is the friendliest I've ever seen - he does school presentations and everything - and he has a well decorated 3 foot tall cage inside and a lush 5'x4'x3' cage outdoors. I say more is better! :)
My Ernie loves his new big cage...Im sure most of you have seen it by now. Yet when I get home from work and go check on him he always scurrys down to come say hello. Also he knows I usually toss him a treat or 2 ;)
Could it be that chams in pet stores see many more people, more frequently and just become accostomed to it? Or maybe other factors; diet, genetics, supplentation, etc? Just playing devil's advocate.
mine seem much happier/healthy on their FR. the more trees i add the happier they get :) they love new kinds of trees and always spend a few days exploreing new additions. i think change(nothing crazy) helps them feel stimulated.
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