Established Member
I'm expecting my chameleon to arrive today!
The enclosure is set up - a custom 4' tall by about 2' corner enclosure with screen top, glass on 3 sides and 2 walls of a semi-breathable foam simulated rock background. The lighting is a 12% arcadia and spot light fromlightyourreptiles and have since added a 150W basking light turned down about 80% so the basking spots are around 80-85 degrees. The attached photo is before some of the latest mods.
I am getting him with a starter colony of dubia, but obviously need to place an order today for some stuff.
I am leaning toward the Repashy no D to dust about half the feeders daily, I plan on feeding from a bowl so I can keep track of what he is eating.
I have a snail colony going but not sure how confident I am about offering even little ones at this stage.
My question is if feeders are gutloaded, is the No-D Repashy calcium daily a reasonable place to start, offering Repcal D once a week? (40,000 units D I believe)
On the way today I want to get some blue fly spikes and silkworms and look into stick insects in the near future.
I am trying to stay away from Petco bugs but think I will probably use a few waxworms or superworms until I get colonies up and running at full capacity.
Any thoughts?
Will post pics later when I get him! Here is the enclosure a few weeks ago and the sire of the panther I am getting!
I'm expecting my chameleon to arrive today!
The enclosure is set up - a custom 4' tall by about 2' corner enclosure with screen top, glass on 3 sides and 2 walls of a semi-breathable foam simulated rock background. The lighting is a 12% arcadia and spot light fromlightyourreptiles and have since added a 150W basking light turned down about 80% so the basking spots are around 80-85 degrees. The attached photo is before some of the latest mods.
I am getting him with a starter colony of dubia, but obviously need to place an order today for some stuff.
I am leaning toward the Repashy no D to dust about half the feeders daily, I plan on feeding from a bowl so I can keep track of what he is eating.
I have a snail colony going but not sure how confident I am about offering even little ones at this stage.
My question is if feeders are gutloaded, is the No-D Repashy calcium daily a reasonable place to start, offering Repcal D once a week? (40,000 units D I believe)
On the way today I want to get some blue fly spikes and silkworms and look into stick insects in the near future.
I am trying to stay away from Petco bugs but think I will probably use a few waxworms or superworms until I get colonies up and running at full capacity.
Any thoughts?
Will post pics later when I get him! Here is the enclosure a few weeks ago and the sire of the panther I am getting!