New Member
What is a good rule of thumb for the feeder size while feeding a jacksons chameleon? I am afraid to give my cham a roach that is much bigger than a dime. He is just about 8 months old now.
The only reason i am asking is because dubia are for the most part pretty soft but some of the females can get pretty stiff when the are larger. I have gave him monster silk worms but never a real good meaty roach. Should i maybe feed him the larger male roaches since there is a bunch and they dont have a hard shell?
The only reason i am asking is because dubia are for the most part pretty soft but some of the females can get pretty stiff when the are larger. I have gave him monster silk worms but never a real good meaty roach. Should i maybe feed him the larger male roaches since there is a bunch and they dont have a hard shell?