Size of feeders??


New Member
What is a good rule of thumb for the feeder size while feeding a jacksons chameleon? I am afraid to give my cham a roach that is much bigger than a dime. He is just about 8 months old now.

The only reason i am asking is because dubia are for the most part pretty soft but some of the females can get pretty stiff when the are larger. I have gave him monster silk worms but never a real good meaty roach. Should i maybe feed him the larger male roaches since there is a bunch and they dont have a hard shell?
ive actually fed my jackson a pretty big roach and she handled it fine, but it did take a few min.

It was today. i think she liked it more because it was the first time she ate it from my hand!
it was so cool!
Pretty sure rule of thumb is the size of the chams head. Im sure you can go a little bit bigger but, if too big it could scare your cham, and he may not want to try them if he has a bad experience.

Me personally would try and give him the smaller ones for starters, see how he does
Thanks, i have herd no bigger than the size in between the eyes before. But on a jackson that it pretty small because of the horns. I knew they could eat something bigger. :)
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