Skin crawling


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’m so disturbed right now. I got a order of bugs yesterday and part of my order was a box of 1000 3/4” crickets.

Well I was busy most of the day so I didn’t open them until later. By the time I opened the box all the lights were out and I was using a crappy headlamp to see.

so I dump the box of crickets and egg cartons into my tote and what do I see but a bunch of BIG spiders crawling up the sides of the tote. Luckily I had a vacuum nearby so I grabbed it and started sucking them up.

So at this point there is still the egg cartons in the tote covered in crickets ( I use paper towel / toilet paper rolls instead) so I star to grab them to shake the crickets out. At this point very afraid to grab them because of the previously mentioned spiders.

so as I’m shaking out the egg cartons with 1 hand I’m sucking up spiders with the other. Remember I’m doing this in the dark with a crappy headlamp.

There was 20+ big spiders in my box of 1000 crickets. I expect 1 or 2 once in a while but this was excessive and disturbing. my skin is crawling.
I’m so disturbed right now. I got a order of bugs yesterday and part of my order was a box of 1000 3/4” crickets.

Well I was busy most of the day so I didn’t open them until later. By the time I opened the box all the lights were out and I was using a crappy headlamp to see.

so I dump the box of crickets and egg cartons into my tote and what do I see but a bunch of BIG spiders crawling up the sides of the tote. Luckily I had a vacuum nearby so I grabbed it and started sucking them up.

So at this point there is still the egg cartons in the tote covered in crickets ( I use paper towel / toilet paper rolls instead) so I star to grab them to shake the crickets out. At this point very afraid to grab them because of the previously mentioned spiders.

so as I’m shaking out the egg cartons with 1 hand I’m sucking up spiders with the other. Remember I’m doing this in the dark with a crappy headlamp.

There was 20+ big spiders in my box of 1000 crickets. I expect 1 or 2 once in a while but this was excessive and disturbing. my skin is crawling.
This is my WORST night mare
This is my WORST night mare
Not even close for me, and it wasn't a dream.
I woke up one night from something tickling my face. When I turned the light on, I discovered a spider nest had hatched in a corner of the wall & ceiling, and the entire bedroom was infested with baby spiders hanging from single strands of web from the ceiling—literally hundreds of them. Out came the vacuum with hose, followed by a shower, and I still slept in another room. 😱
I know! This breeding place must be completely infested. I can just imagine them boxing crickets and there is spiders running everywhere. I seriously think I have ptsd from it. I couldn’t sleep thinking I was about to be over run lol.

I like seeing spiders in my bug room to get any possible escapees and/or gnats that occasionally pop up, but I can't imagine bins full of spiders like that lol.
Would have boughten etc had been an egg sac in there... but you said they were all large.

What kind of spiders were they?

ya definitely not babies. Not sure what kind. There was at least a couple black ones and bunch of brownish Ones with a big butts. Was hard to see in the dark.
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